2024-25年UT-Austin本科申请早申时间截止时间10月15日了,常规申请申请截止日12月1日了,相对于往年申请而言,提前了不少,所以大家务必要及时做好安排! UT-Austin本科申请时间秋季节点: Application Opens:8月1日 Early Action Deadline:10月15日 Regular Decision Deadline:12月1日 Early Action Decisions Released:...
UT-Austin does not offer Early Action or Early Decision options for its application process. All students must submit their applications through the ApplyTexas platform or Common App, with the final deadline being December 1st. However, it is advisable to aim for the priority deadline of Novembe...
第一点:UT申请的截止日期只有一个:12/1。近年,UT虽然推出了提前交申请,提前得知录取结果的政策(Priority Deadline,截止日期为11/1,不是Early Decision/Early Action噢!),但这项政策并没有用在国际学生身上,因此,学生有较长的时间去完成所需要的写作材料。此外,虽然UT给出的录取放榜时间是隔年的二月底/三月初,...
April 2022 – Kaut has not seen additional NHL action since returning to action after 3-4 weeks on the shelf. With the Avs adding forward depth at the trade deadline, its unlikely Kaut will provide fantasy value for the remainder of the season. Despite this disappointment, fantasy owners ...