根据官方数据,UT Austin 2028届的录取率为28.2%。在总计68,931份申请中,只有19,417人成功获得录取。 与藤校相比,UT Austin的录取率确实要高,但这并不意味着它的竞争压力较小。例如,哈佛大学的申请者约有54,000人,而UT Austin的申请...
据我了解,布朗大学、UT Austin以及UW-Madison的CS项目应该是不接受非CS出身的申请者的,反正我认识的朋友拿到的都是拒信,不过UT Austin ECE方向下的SE项目对转专业的同学而言会友好一些;Dartmouth、哥伦比亚大学以及UFL这三个大学的CS项目在录取上还是比较多元的,不是特别限制申请者的本科背景。 我感觉在了解的过程中...
提交网申之后: 借着新年的机会,可以给此前有回信要招生的教授发邮件,询问admission进度,是否能有面试之类。一般一月份是面试高峰期,这时候去混个脸熟说不定马上面试就来了;没有回复也不要急,可能只是时候未到 对于那些主页明确写了"...
Location: Austin, Texas Campus Features: The Main Building's tower stands 307 feet above UT Austin's attractive 423-acre main campus. The university also has a large research campus in North Austin. Student/Faculty Ratio: 18:1 Athletics: The Texas Longhorns compete in the NCAA Division I Big...
我们学校(McCombs)相对来说比较传统,我个人估计项目的admission更看重story telling skills,当然一定的...
When it returned the following year, the decision was made to move it to the roomier Darrell K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium. While graduation in front of the Tower was a unique and special setting, it had simply become overwhelmed. As a consolation, the “Gone to Texas” program, ...
When it returned the following year, the decision was made to move it to the roomier Darrell K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium. While graduation in front of the Tower was a unique and special setting, it had simply become overwhelmed. As a consolation, the “Gone to Texas” program, ...