Sailing on 24 December for the Philippines, Enterprise carried an air group specially trained in night carrier operations; as the only carrier capable of night operations, she left Oahu with her hull code changed from CV to CV(N), the "N" representing "Night". She joined TG 38.5 and swept...
By December 1942, the USS Saratoga CV-3 was the only capable US carrier in the Pacific. The USS Enterprise CV-6 was a lame duck that was held in the South Pacific until some relief became available. During my research, I found a little reference about a British Carrier in the South Pa...
Sailing on 24 December for the Philippines, Enterprise carried an air group specially trained in night carrier operations; as the only carrier capable of night operations, she left Oahu with her hull code changed from CV to CV(N), the "N" representing "Night". She joined TG 38.5 and swept...