Order Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) patches from Popular Patch. You can add them to the back of your jacket, your hat, or your collection book.
After joining the Marines in 2010, Briaca, originally an intelligence specialist, deployed to the Indo-Pacific region as part of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit, at Camp Pendleton in 2011. Briaca volunteered for and passed the course to become a Critical Skills Operator in 2015. At the tim...
That being said, Intel, I think, will get me promoted faster. I don't know which way I'm going to go yet (i.e., how I'm going to get there) but I plan on getting a commission as an officer one day. So many intelligence will make it a bit easier?
Supporting the operational platoons is the S1 (Administrative) Shop; the S2 (Intelligence) Section; the S3 (Operations); and the S4 (Logistics and Supply); and the S6 (Communications) Shop. Under the cognizance of the S3 is the indispensable Training Cell and the Paraloft. The S4 Shop has...