What uniforms may I wear off base, out in town? All uniforms may be worn off base for leave and liberty EXCEPT Blue Dress A and Utilities. When driving to work, you may be in cammies, just do not get out of the car unless in an emergency or accident. Per the order, getting gas...
3/3 Alumni only contact:33USMC.com(no spam) "I now know why men who have been to war yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to laugh or weep. Comrades gather because they long to be with the men who once acted at their best; men who suffered and sa...
However, he asserted, that the traditional techniques are time-, training- and manpower-intensive, unlike the I-CsUAS, which can automatically alert the user if suspicious activity is determined. The I-CsUAS capability allows Marines to disrupt the communication link for an intruder sUAS. This ...
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Be infused with P.I.E., that’s Positive Interactive Energy, an intellectual property created by Inventor, Engineer, and Entrepreneur Derek Gable. Derek shares his expertise as the former 16 year veteran of Mattel, Inc., West Coast... ...
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Author Simcardo - Sep 30 2012 - 3,511 comments Yea the model is the same but head also have a bit different texture. perhaps i'm gonna make him have more Beard. Reply Good karma+2 votes Post a comment Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Or sign in ...
名字以及缩写(或者只有缩写,比如名字是约瑟夫·莫里,就写Joseph Mori 或者J.M.当然我这个只是举例子,可能和实际上的美式姓名规则不符)服役编号、军衔、血型(这个血型是为了在士兵受伤失去意识的时候方便输血用)部队番号和防毒面具尺码 宗教信仰(基督教-C;佛教-B;犹太教-J;伊斯兰教-I;无宗教...
1.) Don’t make fun of their gun. I started playing airsoft with a crappy over priced non upgradable gun that the bbs were fed down into the gun from a fake scope and I was about 26 when I bought it. Why did I buy it you might be asking, because I didn’t know any better. ...
Incoming mail from members and visitors To all those pilots, helicopters crews, there are no words to explain how we felt on the ground! I served with 1st Recon Bn. 1970-71. More than once did helicopters and gun ships come to our rescue! Being surrounde