void swap(pair& __p) { using std::swap; swap(first, __p.first); swap(second, __p.second); } } } 显然这里是想对 pair 中的两个元素依次调用我们熟知的 std::swap 函数。那为什么要提前写一句 using std::swap; 而不是直接使用 std::swap(first, __p.first); 的写法呢? 其实这里 STL ...
using std::swap instead of tswap 715c5f9 Member shun-iwasawa commented Aug 6, 2018 Jenkins Member shun-iwasawa commented Aug 30, 2018 As far as I could see, std::swap works with no problem in any of parts of this modification. Thank you @otakuto for refactoring. LGTM shun-iwasawa...
namespaceN { My_type X {/* ... */};voidswap(X&, X&);// optimized swap for N::X // ...}void f1(N::X& a, N::X& b){ std::swap(a, b); // probably not what we wanted: calls std::swap()} AI代码助手复制代码 The std::swap() in f1() does exactly what we asked...
swap 是C++库函数名,你重新命名一个其他的名字就可以了 另外,团IDC网上有许多产品团购,便宜有口碑
函数f1中的std::swap()会准确执行我们所要求的:它调用std命名空间中的swap()。不幸的是那可能不是我们想要的。怎样才能执行我们期待的N:X? 代码语言:javascript 复制 voidf2(N::X&a,N::X&b){swap(a,b);// calls N::swap} But that may not be what we wanted for generic code. There, we typic...
C++标准库把string定义到std名称空间里面,所以要用using std::string 指定用到的是std名称空间里面的string类型,而不是别的库文件里面的string using namespace std是不推荐的,因为标准库定义了数量庞大的名称,包括min、max、ref、swap等常用名称,一不小心发生重名的话就会有难以预料的BUG发生 ...
void reset(pointer __p = pointer()) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(std::get<0>(_M_t), __p); if (__p != pointer()) get_deleter()(__p); } IOW, even when the reset() call from shutdownThreadPool() is technically UB (accessing already destroyed instance of unique_ptr<>...
“template <class> struct X {};”, the type “X<std::vector<int>>” is trivially swappable, but rejected by the heuristic: since std is an associated namespace of a template parameter, it’s an associated namespace of X<std::vector<int>...
'swap' : none of 2 overload have a best conversion#include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> int Search(T a[], int now, int all) { int min,j = now; min = a[now]; for(int i = now + 1; i < all; i ++) { if(min > a[i]) { min = a[i]; j = ...
using namespace std; void swap(int* pValue1, int* pValue2) { cout << "swap 1 invoked" << endl; } void swap(int& pValue1, int& pValue2) { cout << "swap 2 invoked" << endl; } int main() { int num1 = 1; int num2 = 2; swap(&num1, &num2); return 0; } 执行后...