uses std::make_shared() to construct shared pointer to derived class. I think std::make_shared() cannot be used here since the constructor of the ...
pointcloud_in_map = boost::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>>(); pointcloud = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>>(); pointcloud_original = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>>(); pointcloud_in_map = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::...
Hilo makes extensive use of auto when it uses the concurrency::create_task and std::make_shared functions to reduce the need to declare the template type parameter. ImageBase.cpp C++ Copy auto filePickerTask = create_task(savePicker->PickSaveFileAsync()); ThumbnailGenerator.cpp C++ Copy ...
std::cout does not seem to work. std::make_shared () cannot invoke a private constructor even if the constructor is accessible at that point. std::regex with ECMAScript and multiline std::vector deallocation causing access violation exception std::vector push_back memory corruption? stdafx...
task<void> MainPage::UploadFileToDropBoxAsync( std::shared_ptr<AppCredentials>& creds) { using concurrency::streams::file_stream; using concurrency::streams::basic_istream; uri url(DropBoxFileUploadURI); std::shared_ptr<oAuth> oAuthObj = std::make_shared<oAuth>(); auto signatureParams = ...
voidf3(N::X&a,N::X&b){using std::swap;// make std::swap availableswap(a,b);// calls N::swap if it exists, otherwise std::swap} Enforcement(实施建议) Unlikely, except for known customization points, such as swap. The problem is that the unqualified and qualified lookups both have...
std::shared_ptr<http_pipeline_stage> custom_stage = std::make_shared<add_custom_headers>(); client.add_handler(custom_stage); Scenario 3: Intercepting HTTP response messages In the above two illustrations, you saw how we can intercept the request pipeline. We can do the same with responses...
Create a directory, such as%USERPROFILE%\source\repos\STLModules, and make it the current directory. If you choose a directory that you don't have write access to, you'll get errors during compilation. Compile thestdnamed module with the following command: ...
std::shared_ptr objectStream=Aws::MakeShared("Test");*objectStream<<"Test Object";objectStream->flush();putRequest->AddContentBody(objectStream);Aws::StringStream intConverter;intConverter<tellp();putRequest->SetContentLength(intConverter.str());putRequest->SetContentType("text/plain");...
if( msg_box<mb::ok | mb::cancel>("q") == mb::ok)std::cout<<"ok pressed"; Additionally, the msg_box<> knows at compile-time whether or not a button combination works: c++ // okmsg_box<mb::yes | mb::no>("q");// compile-time errormsg_box<mb::ok | ...