2、选择User Agent Switcher进行使用。 3、如图所示,我们使用默认Chrome标识进入3322下载站访问的是PC页面,切换成安卓再进去访问的就是移动端页面了。 下载地址 电脑版 User Agent Switcher for Chrome v1.1.9 本地下载通道: 江苏电信下载 广东电信下载
Updated for 2023 - a list of User Agent strings for the most popular devices in use today. Including Android, iPhone, Windows, tablets, desktops, bots & crawlers, games consoles and more. Isabel Hughes - 15 May 2023 10 min read
获取iPhone UA的代码如下: 复制 UIWebView *_webView;NSString *userAgent;- (void)createHttpRequest {_webView = [[UIWebView alloc] init];_webView.delegate = self;[_webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.eoe.cn"]]];NSLog(@"%@", [self userAgentS...
我们可以访问一些指纹检测网站去帮我们解析User Agent(UA) ,点击“解析”,就可以知道当前浏览器或者输入的UA字符串包含了哪些信息。 修改User Agent的工具 AdsPower AdsPower多账户浏览器(https://share.adspower.net/souhu11)支持更改浏览器的UA,并且你无需苦恼该选择用什么的UA。在创建浏览器环境的时候,AdsPower会...
user-agent-utils Utilities for processing user-agent strings. Can be used to handle http requests in real-time or to analyze log files. http://www.bitwalker.eu/software/user-agent-utils For the latest release, go tohttps://github.com/HaraldWalker/user-agent-utils/tree/master ...
iPhone获得User-Agent(UA)信息的方法useragent简称ua是http请求头部用来标识客户端信息的字符串包括操作系统浏览器等信息 iPhone获得User-Agent(UA)信息的方法 User-Agent(简称UA)是HTTP请求头部用来标识客户端信息的字符串, 包括操作系统, 浏览器等信息. 为了建立手机客户端的信息数据库, 需要从手机的http请求中取到...
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched theexisting issues I have read theguide to filing a bug Steps to reproduce Run the code sample with webview_flutter 4.3.0 on iOS Check the console output Expected results The console output should contain the correct user agent (same as...
The iPhone launched with this user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3 Here’s a tip to find out the user agent for any browser or device that you’re on (e.g. a kiosk at a mall,...
User-agent string changes for Internet Explorer 11 For many websites, some of the most visible changes to Internet Explorer 11 involve the user-agent string. Here's what's reported for IE11 on Windows 10: Copy Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko...
User-agent string changes for Internet Explorer 11For many websites, some of the most visible changes to Internet Explorer 11 involve the user-agent string. Here's what's reported for IE11 on Windows 10:Copy Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ...