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To install, just put this file on ~/.vim/plugins and set your status line: :set statusline=%{GitBranchInfoString} Of course you can append this configuration to an existing one and make all the customization you want on the status line, like: :set statusline=%#ErrorMsg#%{GitBranch...
Prior to doing anything, you need to know how to set vimdiff as a git mergetool. That being said: git config merge.tool vimdiff git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 git config mergetool.prompt false This will set git as the default merge tool, will display a common ancestor while merging...
git config --global diff.tool vimdiff git config --global difftool.vimdiff.cmd "vimdiff" git config --global difftool.prompt false That's OK. Next time, use "git difftool ..." replace "git diff ..." To view all your global settings: git config --global --list To remove one se...
Cloud Changes in VS Code is a little-known feature that allows you to sync your uncommitted changes between multiple instances of Visual Studio Code, either on the web or on the desktop.
First, make sure your git version is higher than 1.6.3 Then: git config --global diff.tool vimdiff git config --global difftool.vimdiff.cmd "vimdiff" git config --global difftool.prompt false That's OK. Next time, use "git difftool ..." replace "git diff ..." ...
Use vimdiff to resolve git conflictions diffg RE diffg BA diffg LO and the right one in the 3-top windows are the code you had wrote
When you need to change a lot of commits from squash to pick it's a bit tiresome to change them one by one - so, if you're using Vim, it's a lot easier to instead: place the cursor at the start of the line with the first commit you want to squash ...
使用Vim编辑markdown文档,使用git进行版本控制 Welcome to Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service ! Last login: Fri Mar 3 21:20:36 2023 from [root@iZuf6du97b369avpi33jewZ ~]# yum install-y git No such command: install-y. Please use /usr/bin/yum --help It could be a YUM...
由于我一直使用 macos, 因此使用的 vim GUI 版是 MacVim(GVim 也是同样的配置原理) 配置gitconfig 在$HOME/.gitconfig中, 我们添加如下配置: gitconfig [merge] tool = mvimdiff conflictstyle = diff3 [mergetool] prompt = false keepBackup = false ...