New grants available from USDA to help communities meet water challenges in coming years.The article reports on the plan of U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to generate $6 million in grants in 2014....
Massachusetts SNAP Support Project will provide SNAP operating support to farmers market managers across Massachusetts; awarding sub-grants for time spent operating SNAP/EBT machines at market, SNAP accounting, vendor payments, reporting, and performing outreach to SNAP participants, as well as purchasing...
— Disaster aid bill fails in Senate, blocking block grant relief authority for USDA Secretary Vilsack. A bill, previously passed by the House, which aimed to grant USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack the authority to utilize block grants for providing relief to farmers in states affected by disasters ...
CRP’s long-term goal is to establish valuable land cover to help improve water quality, improve soil health and carbon sequestration, prevent soil erosion, and reduce loss of wildlife habitat. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers a number of signups, including the general signup and c...
13 that the agency is offering $10 million in grants to promote water quality trading among farmers and ranchers.Half of the grants, or $5 million, would be directed toward the Chesapeake Bay watershed, which already is under a federal mandate to comply with a total maximum daily load limit...