美国陆军选择SIG SAUER来制造和交付其新一代班组武器变体,这款武器采用6.8mm弹药,并将以步枪和自动步枪变体的形式提供。SIG SAUER赢得了为期10年的合同,初始交付订单价值2040万美元。他们的设计具有与现有步枪平台相似的配置和人体工程学。 这些信息提供了SIG SPEAR ASSAULTER K的概览,以及它如何可能成为美国陆军下一代...
A Soldier fires the unsuppressed Sig Sauer XM7 Rifle with Vortex XM157 Fire Control from the standing position during a controllability trial of the Next Generation Squad Weapons (NGSW) Production Soldier Tough Point at Aberdeen Proving Ground, November 2022. Credit: US Army. As part of its tra...
A couple of weeks ago the US Army finally announced the winner of their long running Next Generation Squad Weapon program, selecting the SIG Sauer MCX Spear rifle as the XM5 and the LMG-6.8 as the XM250. The topic of whether this was the right choice and if the 6.8mm round they cham...
9mm pistols carried by Navy SEALs and SWCCs. info : Sig Sauer P226 / P228Sig Sauer P239 Sub-compact 9mm pistols used by SEAL Team 6 info : Sig Sauer P239HK45CT Compact .45 handgun used by Navy SEALs info : HK45CTGlock Pistols in a range of sizes and calibres info : Glock ...
Glock misses its target as the US Army awards new handgun contract to Sig SauerCiro Scotti
Sig Sauer pistols are designed in Switzerland and manufactured in Germany and the United States. They feature a mechanically-locked, recoil operated single/double action. The P226 can be chambered to fire 9mm Parabellum, .40 S&W or .357 SIG rounds. The P228 can only fire 9mm Parabellum. A...
Sig Sauer西格P226 X-Five .177口徑氣手槍,原價$149.99,現僅售$89.52,免運費。此為Amazon歷史最低價! 這款氣手槍採用Sig Sauer西格經典的P226手槍的延伸型號 X-Five的造型。SIG Sauer P226以及其衍生型在世界各地多個執法機關和軍事組織之中服役,是目前綜合性能最好的手槍之一。此款氣手槍全金屬建造。採用二氧化碳...
The US Air Force Security Forces Center (AFSFC) has commenced the delivery of the M18 SIG Sauer modular handgun system to security forces units.
Now made in New Hampshire! (Photo: SIG Sauer) The P226-XFIVE can be adapted to any shooter’s preference with its innovative AX3 fully adjustable trigger, with adjustments for pull weight, over-travel and a trigger shoe that is removable and adjustable for length-of-pull. ...
The service is considering integrating the robot with the Sig Sauer XM7 Rifle, explainsJanes. This is interesting but not the first attempt at this sort of thing. For example, the Army has previously tested using an M4A1 carbine on a Q-UGV. However, if they were to try the Sig Sauer ...