X Blood Film Comment 血片检验X URINE Microalbumin 尿蛋白 X ESR 红血球沉淀素 X RENAL FUNCTION TEST 肾脏功能检验 Sodium 钠X Potassium 钾X Chloride 氯X Body Composition Analysis Urea 尿素 X Protein, Mineral & Body Fat Mass X Creatinine 肌肝酸X Muscle-Fat Analysis X Calcium 钙 X Obesity ...
Physicochemical analysis of blood and urine in the course of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: a prospective, observational study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2013;13(1):31. CentralMaciel AT, Park M, Macedo E. Physicochemical analysis of blood and urine in the course of acute kidney ...
blood bank refrigerator. pharmaceutical refrigerator. microplate elisa reader. microplate washer. centrifuge. pipette. rotator. autoclave sterilizer. For more lab equipment, please go to our homepage and search by catagories. Thanks for your interest! Send your message to this s...
Objective: To use urine analyzer occult blood test and microscope analysis of red blood cell(RBC) for 200 urine samples.The sensitivity of the urine analyzer occult blood test is 91.18%,the false negative rate is 8.82%,and the false positive rate is 9.85%.Comparing the test results of two ...
blood bank refrigerator. pharmaceutical refrigerator. microplate elisa reader. microplate washer. centrifuge. pipette. rotator. autoclave sterilizer. For more lab equipment, please go to our homepage and search by catagories. Thanks for your interest! Send your message to this supplie...
The analysis of body fluids plays a critical role in the diagnosis and prognosis of a disease. A change in concentration or composition of a particular biochemical constituent in body fluids is used as an indicator of a physiological or pathological condition. A particular component in body fluids...
Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, dimethyl benzene in blood andurine. 血、尿中的苯 、 甲苯 、 乙苯 、 二甲苯的定性及定量分析方法. 期刊摘选 Current Labs: Hemoglobin, hematocrit, glucose, UA ;urinedipstick for protein. ...
1. 尿液测试 香港医务化验网 ... 血液测试( Blood Tests) 尿液测试( Urine Tests) 大便测试( Stool Tests) ... www.hkmedlab.org|基于6个网页 2. 尿液检验 医学化验 - 新广大医学X-光化验所 New... ... SYNOVIAL FLUID Analysis 滑膜液分析 尿液检验 Urine Tests 粪便检验 Stool Tests ... newgolden...
If you frequently notice that your pee is foamy, it may be a sign of protein in the urine, which can be happen with kidney stones or uncontrolled high blood pressure. Foamy urine that presents with other symptoms, like burning with urination and dark urine, may be a sign of a UTI or ...