Windows 10 Update - (Perma)Paused I'm doing some testing... but I'll let you know how this goes... and what I break by exceeding the buffer for seconds from January 1, 1970. Patch this, Microsoft! ^_^
“We have paused the roll-out of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating,” Microsoft added to its page for the update. Microsoft added that it will give an additional update to customers ...
Last week we paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigated isolated reports of users missing files after updating. Given the serious nature of any data loss, we took the added precaution of pulling all 1809...
ServicePaused– 由於 Windows Update 的自動動作,更新處於保留狀態。 取消: 系統管理員已取消– 明確系統管理員動作已取消更新供應專案。 服務已取消 –Windows Update 已取消更新,原因如下: 已到達所選取內容 的服務結束,Windows Update 不再提供此服務。 例如,裝置可能已在內容的可用性過期之後新增至部署,或內容達...
OfferReady 目前正在從 Windows Update提供更新給裝置。 RemovedFromDeployment 更新供應專案因為明確的系統管理員動作而從部署中移除,因此已取消。 AdminCancelled 更新供應項目因為明確的系統管理員動作而取消。 ServiceCancelled 更新供應項目因為部署服務的自動動作而取消。 AdminPaused 更新處於保留狀態,因為部署已使用明確...
On October 2, 2018, Microsoft announced that the availability of the**Windows 10 October 2018 Update**. After the update was paused,the rollout resumedon November 13, 2018. You can read more about the Windows 10 quality approachhere. This post, however, will cover what you can expect to ...
適用於 Windows 10 版本 1511 的 MDM: 。。/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Update/DeferUpgrade \Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\Update\Pause 您可以檢查 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UpdatePolicy\Settings 下的登錄機碼 PausedFeatureDate,以檢查功能更新暫停的日期。 GPEdit.msc (本機組策略編輯器) 不會反映...
{ "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateScheduledInstall", "scheduledInstallDay": "everyday", "scheduledInstallTime": "11:59:31.3170000" }, "qualityUpdatesDeferralPeriodInDays":2, "featureUpdatesDeferralPeriodInDays":2, "qualityUpdatesPaused":true, "featureUpdatesPaused":true, "quality...
customer not wanting -> convince him :-), no honestly only technical blockers can be an issue, imho. These must be addressed, again Windows-as-a-Service. Which version would come down via Intune first... I guess you mean if 1709 is un-paused, will it get directly 1903 ...
Deployments that have the states paused or scheduled won't deploy content to devices. Check that the device has scanned for updates and is scanning the Windows Update service. To learn more about scanning for updates, see Scanning updates. Feature updates only: Verify that the device is ...