update for windows10for x64-based systems是适用于基于x64的系统的Windows 10累积更新程序。发布日期为2015年8月11日,包括改进的Windows 10的功能,并解决了以下漏洞:3086251ms15-092:漏洞在.NET框架可能允许特权提升 3084525ms15-091:为微软边缘累积安全更新 3082458ms15-088:不安全的命令行参数传...
现在微软正式发布了Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3120677),该更新是为了解决用户从Win10 RTM(Build 10240)升级到TH2后部分隐私设置选项没有被恢复的问题。之前微软从官网撤下了Win10首个重要更新(代号为TH2)的《介质创建工具》,而Windows Update也已经暂...
With kb5001716 install, windows may attempt to download and install feature updates to your device if it is approaching or has reached the end of support for your currently installed Windows version. Feature updates offer new functionality and help keep your device secure.
Windows does not want development, and Visual Studio cannot develop without Windows development. Please control my device and find out the problem, and I will show you the text of the problem now : Update for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB4480730) - Error 0x800...
2.edge浏览器打开蓝色界面闪退 之前恢复了一次系统,然后edge浏览器打不开,联系hp客服给了解决办法,可以参考 (1)打开“此电脑”,在地址栏中输入%USERPROFIL 325449 win10吧 楼主是好人啊00 update for windows10x64-based sytems能卸载吗? 分享64 搜狐电脑智囊团吧 wangyucao1989 Winxp隐藏的好东西我们在其他...
update for windows10for x64based systems是适用于基于x64的系统的Windows 10累积更新程序发布日期为2015年8月11日,包括改进的Windows 10的功能,并解决了以下漏洞11ms15092漏洞在NET框架可能允许特权提升。我们先下载需要安装的补丁提醒一下,下载补丁时,最好从微软官网下载假设补丁文件名为Windows61KB5...
几天前微软面向Windows 10 Version 1903/Version 1909功能更新,发布了累积更新KB4541335,主要改善了开始菜单和文件管理器。不过部分用户在Feedback Hub上反馈无法安装该更新,过程中会收到错误信息。 用户反馈称会收到“2020-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4541335) – ...
On 1/12/2021 I successfully installed 2021-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64 Based Systems (KB4598242). Today Windows Update tried to install it again on one machine, while the other machine says it is up to date. This re-ins...