描述要執行的作業之D3DDDICB_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS結構的指標。 傳回值 如果此回呼函式成功,則會傳回S_OK。 否則,它會傳回HRESULT錯誤碼。 言論 更新作業中的虛擬位址範圍允許交集。 作業會依提交的順序套用。 在單一pfnUpdateVirtualAddressCb呼叫:
指向描述平铺资源的起始坐标的D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE结构的指针。 pDestTileRegionSize 指向描述平铺区域大小的D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILE_REGION_SIZE结构的指针。 pSourceTileData 指向包含此函数用于更新平铺资源的源磁贴数据的内存的指针。 Flags ...
如果此回调函数成功,则返回S_OK。 否则,它将返回HRESULT错误代码。 言论 只能在调用videoDecoderEnableDownsampling后调用此函数。 仅当驱动程序报告D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS_DOWN_SAMPLE_DYNAMIC功能时,才会调用此函数。 要求 要求价值 最低支持的客户端Windows 10 ...
参数 unnamedParam1 指向D3DKMT_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS结构的指针。 返回值 返回NTSTATUS。 要求 要求值 Headerd3dkmthk.h 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助
THIS JUST IN!!! High LSASS Usage After Windows Update 3B March 2024 Jim and the Directory Services Team here again to alert you to an emerging issue which is an unintended consequence of a recent update released in March 2024. What is LSASS an...
On the Quest the teleportation process is broken. When you land, it rotates your avatar position by about 10 degrees to the right. I have seen this type of...
flag c9d5f3b5af8f net: b44: set pause params only when interface is up f3a2f186a1cb ethernet: Add helper for assigning packet type when dest address does not match device address aa44d2157475 irqchip/gic-v3-its: Prevent double free on error 5ab19dc55c5e drm/amdgpu: Fix leak when...
validate-npm-package-license "^3.0.1" normalize-path@^2.0.1: version "2.1.1" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/normalize-path/-/normalize-path-2.1.1.tgz#1ab28b556e198363a8c1a6f7e6fa20137fe6aed9" dependencies: remove-trailing-separator "^1.0.1" normalize-range@^0.1.2: version ...
There's nothing in the eventlog. As some of the first steps I updated all device drivers provided by the computer brand. I also updated the graphic card driver. My experience tells me that quite a big percentage of issues with Adobe applic...
There's nothing in the eventlog. As some of the first steps I updated all device drivers provided by the computer brand. I also updated the graphic card driver. My experience tells me that quite a big percentage of issues with Adobe appli...