Domain Adaptation:缺少有监督数据场景下的迁移学习利器 圆圆的算法笔记 [论文]CVPR24 Domain adaptation(域适应) Title: Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Frozen Multimodal Foundation Model paper: code:… 噔噔笑笑果打开... Abstract Domainadaptationaimstotransferknowledgeinthe presenceofthedomaingap.Existingdomainadaptation methodsrelyonrichpriorknowledgeabouttherelationship betweenthelabelsetsofsourceandtargetdomains,which greatlylimitstheirapplicationinthewild.Thispaperintro- ducesUniversalDomainAdaptation(UDA)that...
Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to address domain and category shifts across data sources. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced source-free UniDA (SF-UniDA). SF-UniDA methods eliminate the need for direct access to source samples when performing ...
三、Universal Adaptation Network UAN网络构成,x:输入;F:特征提取器;z:F输出的特征;G:分类器;y:属于某一类别的概率;D:对抗训练产生的域分类器;d:属于源域的概率;D':非对抗训练的域分类器;d':属于源域的概率;E代表其各自的损失函数 损失函数 E_{D}中w^{s}(x)、w^{...
Universal Domain AdaptationOffice-31UniOTH-score91.13# 4 Compare Source-Freeno# 1 Compare Universal Domain AdaptationOffice-HomeUniOTH-Score76.57# 3 Compare Source-freeno# 1 Compare Universal Domain AdaptationVisDA2017UniOTH-score57.32# 7 Compare ...
Universal Domain Adaptation(通用域自适应)是指源域的标签空间和目标域的标签空间有一定的交集,同时两者又有各自独立的部分。 在这种情况下,需要对目标域的图片进行分类,若该图片的类别属于源域,则分为该类,否则,标记为不知道(unknown)。 在处理Universal Domain Adaptation问题时,存在两个难点:一是 Category gap,...
[ACCV 2024] COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration via Textual Prototype for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation - XHomL/COCA
Universal Domain Adaptation (UNDA) aims to handle both domain-shift and category-shift between two datasets, where the main challenge is to transfer knowledge while rejecting unknown classes which are absent in the labeled source data but present in the unlabeled target data. Existing methods manuall...
source. Notably, UniOT is the f irst method withthe capability to automatically discover and recognize private categories in thetarget domain for UniDA. Accordingly, we introduce a new metric H 3 -score toevaluate the performance in terms of both accuracy of common samples andclustering ...
Universal Domain Adaptation 论文链接: 代码链接:THUML @ Tsinghua University 先写总结:龙明升课题组19年CVPR,感觉这可能是第一篇提出Universal这个概念的论文(不确定,如果有错多谢指正)。不过在阅读的...