Astrology is a framework to guide you through every stage of a fully LIVED life. Your natal chart is one of the most powerful self-awareness tools you have available to you and is like a personalized roadmap to understanding your soul’s intention and creating a life that feels authentic. ...
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Diamond Astrology with Monique Leurink. I will put my 18 years of hard work, study and experience in helping and treating others to work for you and to help you understand and unlock the full potential of your natal chart, the destiny drawn by God foryou. May the stars guide your path!
BMC Public Health (2024) 24:1588 BMC Public Health RESEARCH Open Access Characterizing the utilization of doula support services among birthing people of color in the United States: a scoping review Emily Kang1, Nat'e Stowe2, Kelsey Burton3...