doi:10.1111/j.1468-5965.2009.02026_6.xNo abstract is available for this article.MITSILEGASVALSAMISBlackwell Publishing LtdJcms Journal of Common Market Studies
Sapere Aude: More than ever the injunction of the Age of Enlightenment applies to our globalised world reaching a crossroads. The internationalisation of China has changed the rules of the geopolitical stakes between China, the European Union and the United States. In addition to the positive ... If your institution does not currently subscribe to this content, please recommend the title to your librarian. Login via other institutional login options You can purchase online access...
The independent terms of the extraterritorial efficiency model of the free circulation of decisions among States, and its procedural mecanism, should therefore be put forward.Gino TaverniniBibliogr
On the other hand, the European Union has progessively taken charge of the issue of family support, which has brought about an harmonisation of national family policiesGerbino T.CCastello GBibliogr