Unicode 字符 −(U+2212)是一个数学减号(Minus Sign),与普通的ASCII减号(-,U+002D)在语义上有所不同。在数学排版中,− 专门用于表示数学中的减法运算或负数,而 - 可能被用于多种上下文,包括但不限于算术减法、连字符等。在LaTeX中,对字符的精确选择非常重要,以确保文档的数学表达准确无误。 2. 分析为何...
报错情况:LaTeX Error: Unicode character − (U+2212) 跨栏表格/图片 在table/figure后面添加* \begin{tabel*} 表格/图片的强制格式: 在表格/图片中常见会设置以下四个参数:[htbp],参数意义分别如下: [h]当前位置。将图形放置在正文文本中给出该图形环境的地方。如果本页所剩的页面不够,这一参数将不起作用。
Also, since it's a dedicated minus sign, and not just a common replacement character, it logically follows in my opinion that it should be supported. I'm not familiar with this, but I want to point out that the Wikipedia article "Plus and minus signs" also talks about ⁒ as a minus...
In order to allow the automatic detection of the byte order, it has become customary on some platforms (notably Win32) to start every Unicode file with the character U+FEFF (ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE), also known as the Byte-Order Mark (BOM). Its byte-swapped equivalent U+FFFE is not...