Package inputenc Error: Unicode character : (U+FF1A) 错误原因可能是使用了中文的符号,如冒号等,根据定位查找排除一下就好了。
U+FF1A is the unicode hex value of the character Fullwidth Colon. Char U+FF1A, Encodings, HTML Entitys::,:, UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex)
unicode字符列表(Unicode character list)Unicode character list (super complete)Unicode, characters, lists Code description U+0020 spaces U+0021!.U+0022 "double quotes"U+0023 # wells U+0024 $/ currency symbol U+0025%% symbol U+0026 & English abbreviation for "and"'U+0027' quotes U+0028 (...
Unicode字符列表(国外英文资料) Unicode character list (super complete) Unicode, characters, lists Code description U+0020 spaces U+0021!. U+0022 double quotes U+0023 # wells U+0024 $/ currency symbol U+0025%% symbol U+0026 English abbreviation for and U+0027 quotes U+0028 (open parentheses...
Unicode是一个很大的集合, 现在的规模可以容纳100多万个符号. 每个符号的编码都不一样, 比如, U+0639表示阿拉伯字母Ain, U+0041表示英语的大写字母A, U+4E25表示汉字"严". 具体的符号对应表, 可以查询, 或者专门的汉字对应表.Unicode具备字符和码一一对应的特性,绝对不会有重叠。
(Optical Character Recognition) 2460-24FF:封闭式字母数字 (Enclosed Alphanumerics) 2500-257F:制表符 (Box Drawing) 2580-259F:方块元素 (Block Element) 25A0-25FF:几何图形 (Geometric Shapes) 2600-26FF:杂项符号 (Miscellaneous Symbols) 2700-27BF:印刷符号 (Dingbats) 27C0-27EF:杂项数学符号-A (...
Unicode Character BlockHalfwidth and Fullwidth FormsU+FF00 –U+FFEFA list of all the Unicode characters that are in the Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms Unicode block. Arabic Presentation Forms-B All Unicode Blocks Specials 225 Unicode Codepoints List Grid ! U+FF01" U+FF02# U+FF03$ U...
This character has no visible glyph and its presence indicates that adjoining characters are to be treated as a graphemic unit, therefore preventing line breaks between them. The use of grapheme joiner affects other processes, such as sorting, therefore, U+2060 WORD JOINER should be used if the...
These “fullwidth characters” were typically encoded in a DBCS (double byte character set), although less common systems used other variable-width character sets that used more bytes per character.AD AD Properties Range FF00–FFEF Characters 240...