Hébant,C.Ontogénie des laticifères du système primaire de l’Hevea brasiliensis: une étude ultrastructurale et cytochemique. Canadian Journal of Botany . 1981He´bant C (1981). Ontoge´nie des laticife`res du syste`me primaire de l' Hevea brasiliensis, une etude ultra structurale et...
Dalit government servants gave rise to the BSP and inducted the Congress Party's decline. In the contemporary period, the dalits are poor in majority but a middle class has come up thanks to affirmative action. In their struggle agai...
1978. Facteurs limitant la production primaire des eaux oligotrophes d'une aire c6ti~re mdditerran6enne (Calanque d'En-Vau, Mar- seille). Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydro&ologie 63:501- 531.Berland B. R., Bouin D. J., Maestrini S. Y., 1978 b. Facteurs limitant la ...
tude de huit cas]]>The limited efficacy of single-drug regimens in the treatment of high blood pressure has led to an evaluation of combination regimens for first intention treatment. Two-drug regimens favor the hypotensive efficacy and reduce the frequency of certain side effects. Medications ...
synthèse de rna stables dans une souche d'escherichia coli stringent pendant la carence en acide aminé spécifiqueNA synthesis does not stop and this result showed that RNA synthesis is not a coordinated process. Tdoi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1970.tb00928.xGalibert F...
Pournaras, C. JTsacopoulos, MKlin Monatsbl AugenheilkdDonati G, Pournaras CJ, Tsacopoulos M (1998) Endogenous deficiency of nitric oxide as an aggravating factor in retinal vein occlusion. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 212(5):324–325. : 10.1055/s-2008-1034896...
Vigna benuensissp. nov. from north Cameroon is described. It is closely related toVigna ambacensisvar.pubigera, but is amphicarpic and shows slight differences in floral morphology and size. Some important morphological features are compared with those of its allied species....
Tristan Corbi猫re is an important and original poet, author of the eclectic and ironic 1873 volume Les Amours jaunes . Troubled identity is a central theme and too often considered as a universal rather than rooted in the particular region which dominated Corbi猫re's life. He was born in ...
doi:10.1016/j.ando.2008.12.012F. Castinetti a I. MorangeN. DuboisF. AlbarelB. Conte-DevolxH. DufourT. BrueELSEVIERAnnales Dendocrinologie
Introduction Determinate if the adjunction of PCA3 score and/or prostatic MRI can improve the selection of the patients who have an indication of first prostate biopsy. Patients and methods Multiparametric prostatic MRI and PCA3 score were made before biopsy to men scheduled for initial prostate ...