Furthermore, the method is described, by which the variances of the estimates can be calculated, and significance tests applied to them.doi:10.1002/bscb.19550640502Melle S. HuyberechtsA. HalleuxP. KruysjwsBulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges...
aminoglycosidesdrug resistancemicrobialEnterococcusBackground: Infectious diseases produced by Enterococcus spp, must be treated with a synergistic combination between a penicillin and an aminoglycoside. High level resistance to aminoglycosides is a serious therapeutic problem, since it predicts the loss o...
Il s'agit d'un recueil de nouvellesayant toutes pour personnage principal Bellew, surnommé La Fumée. Bellew est un oisif de San Francisco qui rédige des articles pour un joural - tâche qu'il trouve épuisante. Un jour, son oncle vient lui reprocher sa mollesse et lui propose de ...
We recommend the development of a reporting system for this adverse effect as part of the optimization of interventional radiology practices, including dose reduction.doi:10.1016/S0755-4982(06)74727-3Candice RoudierPhilippe PirardJean DonadieuCandice RoudierELSEVIERLa Presse Médicale...
A pyrazoline ring is used as a masking, a stereodirecting, and a latent formyl group in the synthesis of 7-amino-4-formyl cephems from 6H-1,3-thiazines.Keywords: thiazine, cephem, pyrazoline, benzeneseleninic anhydride.Rémy Tuloup...
Purpose To study the success rate of combined phaco-intraocular lens (IOL)-deep sclerectomy (P-DS), a new perforating filtering surgery, versus phaco-IOL-trabeculectomy (P-T).Methods Of 38 patients, 39 eyes with cataract and different types of glaucoma, 19 eyes underwent P-DS, and 20 ...
The corresponding Arrhenius parameters are given. A new conductivity cell is described.doi:10.1002/bscb.19550640701Mme L. Wilputte-SteinertP. J. C. FierensWiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaABulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
doi:10.1016/0929-693X(96)84688-4E BassonM Di MaioD StammS CagninC BergerD FloretE BassonM Di MaioS CagninC BergerELSEVIERArchives De Pédiatrie
To explain this evolution of music, we study the emergence of sound - which has no affinities with timbre - in contemporary music (1950-60) and more precisely, in the first works of Xenakis. We begin with the fact that the traditional categories of tone, rhythm, language and form are ...
[Journal translation]Denis Couillardcanadian journal of civil engineeringD. Couillard, Reponse d'une Chaine de Traitement Biologique des Eaux Usees a des Apports de Ruissellement Urbain, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 17:6, pp. 894-904,1990....