A General Synthesis for Mono- C -Functionalized Tetrazamacrocycles A new synthesis, under usual conditions of concentration, medium, and temperature, of a series of mono- C -functionalized tetraazamacrocycles is given. The method may easily be generalized. The new procedure allows the modification ...
1978. Facteurs limitant la production primaire des eaux oligotrophes d'une aire c6ti~re mdditerran6enne (Calanque d'En-Vau, Mar- seille). Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydro&ologie 63:501- 531.Berland B. R., Bouin D. J., Maestrini S. Y., 1978 b. Facteurs limitant la ...
Vigna benuensissp. nov. from north Cameroon is described. It is closely related toVigna ambacensisvar.pubigera, but is amphicarpic and shows slight differences in floral morphology and size. Some important morphological features are compared with those of its allied species....
To explain this evolution of music, we study the emergence of sound - which has no affinities with timbre - in contemporary music (1950-60) and more precisely, in the first works of Xenakis. We begin with the fact that the traditional categories of tone, rhythm, language and form are ...
They also indicate that L2 oral production at the advanced stages remains bound to a way of thinking the world which is the legacy of our L1.Chrostowski, WaldemarParis
We illustrate this by proposing two concrete type systems : first, an explicit type system with a restricted form of coercion abstraction to express subtyping and bounded polymorphismm ; and an implicit type system with unrestricted coercion abstraction that generalizes the explicit type system with ...
The incidence of these tumors in HIV patients is much higher than expected as shown by indirect standardization on age and sex (p < 0,001).doi:10.1016/S0248-8663(05)83034-6ELSEVIERLa Revue De Médecine Interne
HEBANT, C. Ontogenie des laticiferes du systeme primaire de l' Hevea brasiliensis: une etude ultrastructurale et cytochimique. Canadian Journal of Botany, Ottawa, v. 59, n. 6, p. 974-985, 1981.Hébant C (1981) Ontogénie des laticifères du système primaire de l' Hevea brasiliensis ...
Ferrière J, Bonneau M, Caridroit M, Bellier JP, Goričan S, Kollmann H (2001) Les nappes tertiaires du Paikon (zone du Vardar, Macéne, Grèce): arguments stratigraphiques pour une nouvelle interprétation structurale. C R Acad Sci Paris 332:695–702...
These U. R. Represent a tool that leads to make ergonomics considerations during the design. Secondly, we use task models to integrate MIS interaction in the user activity, and MIS interaction models to describe their complexity.Connor, SteveBibliogr...