A General Synthesis for Mono- C -Functionalized Tetrazamacrocycles A new synthesis, under usual conditions of concentration, medium, and temperature, of a series of mono- C -functionalized tetraazamacrocycles is given. The method may easily be generalized. The new procedure allows the modification ...
BELCOURT, AlainBlackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of BiochemistryBelcourt A (1975) Etude d'une glycoproteine salivaire humaine precipitable par les ions calcium. Eur J Biochem 53:185–191 View ArticleBelcourt A (1975) Etude d'une glycoproteine salivaire humaine precipitable par les ions ...
Effet de la reésolution spatiale sur des proprieeacute;teés statistiques des images satellites: une eétude de casdoi:10.1080/01431168808954939The instruments on such satellites as Landsat or SPOT present the advantage provided by high spatial resolution. This advantage is tempered by their low time...
The procedures involved interventional neuroradiology (n=1), interventional cholangiography (n=1), pacemaker insertion (n=1), and interventional cardiology (n=7). Median time from the fluoroscopic procedure to first symptoms was 2 months and from procedure to radiodermatitis diagnosis 7.5 months. ...
网站成立于2004年2月26日。mavoyanteperso.over-blog.com的注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为obns1.webedia-group.org,obns2.webedia-group.net,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日。解析出来的IP有:[法国],[法国]。 页面信息 标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符 ...
EnterococcusBackground: Infectious diseases produced by Enterococcus spp, must be treated with a synergistic combination between a penicillin and an aminoglycoside. High level resistance to aminoglycosides is a serious therapeutic problem, since it predicts the loss of synergistic activity of this ...
lefilrougedemesvoyagesréelsouimaginésetdemaviedecréation,avecuneancienneroserougelovitademeilland,unerosebelleetrebelle,commemoi,untravailartistiquesurlamémoire,unhommage.photographieetdessinsquotidiens,haïkus. lovitartémisia,lesmotsloveitartetartémisia...
Vigna benuensissp. nov. from north Cameroon is described. It is closely related toVigna ambacensisvar.pubigera, but is amphicarpic and shows slight differences in floral morphology and size. Some important morphological features are compared with those of its allied species....
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Alain RonzanoBibliothèque Dhumanisme Et Renaissance
The intermediate 4-methyl-8-formylpyrene (m.p.: 93-94°) was isolated. U. V. Spectra of the new polymethylpyrenes are given.John StewartBulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges