购买Undertale - Game + Soundtrack Bundle 特价促销!12 月 4 日 截止 -65% ¥ 60.00 ¥ 21.00 添加至购物车 此游戏的内容浏览所有(1) UNDERTALE Soundtrack -50% ¥ 36.00 ¥ 18.00 ¥ 18.00 将所有 DLC 添加至购物车 评测 “The puzzles aren't particularly impressive.”10/10 – Dest...
老哥们,准备入手ut了,不过这游戏有汉化吗,底下内个soun 只看楼主收藏回复 班德斯莫什 Muffet 6 老哥们,准备入手ut了,不过这游戏有汉化吗,底下内个soundtrack bundle是啥 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-01-14 14:31回复 我叫月雯 小吧主 14 汉化补丁贴吧精品里有,soundtrack是音乐包,收藏用的 来自...
为什么这种游戏也来碰瓷我们神作迷你世界 分享51 undertale吧 【柯小七】 新人怎么买游戏~是买Undertale 还是买 Undertale - Game + Soundtrack Bundle 两个有啥区别 另外DCL是何物…… 分享7赞 undertale传说之下吧 linzhiyingdd 游戏界面怎么变大在steam上玩undertale游戏的界面怎么变全屏呀 分享4330 undertale...
I downloaded the game off of undertale.com and need to download it again because (new computer/I lost it/it got deleted.) Use Humble Resender to send the game back to yourself in an email. I bought the Game + Soundtrack bundle on Undertale.com and I downloaded UNDERTALE but can't...
UNDERTALE! The RPG game where you don't have to destroy anyone. 一个你不需要伤害任何人的RPG游戏! 经过了近半年,还有Undertale吧许多人的努力,这个游戏终于可以得到一个正经的中文汉化了。 Undertale剁手页面: http://store.steampowered.com/app/391540/ 贴吧汉化补丁发布帖: http://tieba.baidu.com/p...
Amy is the Executive Vice President and CFO of CITC as well as the CFO of E-Line Media and the Lead Cultural Ambassador on the beautiful platformer Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna).The week we talk about tribal memory, stories, community, connection, and where the idea for the game came ...