This Mental Health CIT unit is one of only two, Montgomery County Pct. 1 Mental Health and Crisis Intervention unit and Conroe Police Department’s CERT Team, in our geographically-large county. It has the top-down mission to purposefully support mental health as the first consideration when th...
Since the turn of the century, police departments across the world have actually been trading in their radar guns for LiDAR guns, using the accurate and precise technology to better measure the speed of passing cars. However, the use of LiDAR in law enforcement goes far beyond speeding tickets...
A model that can predict the likelihood of a fake tweet which might have been written by a machine in a given set of tweets while also validating the same on news articles scraped from the internet - Understanding-Machine-vs-Human-Generated-Text-in-News/
Once I was on the ground, the detective called me, and I was informed that he would need to look into this with a view to finding a lawyer willing to go under the radar, then his work would get really complicated and he was forced to look to me. When the detective came b...
Expansion into London had already been on Uber’s radar. They had also been aware of Hailo. Bregman’s announcement, however, turned a potential rival in an overseas market into a direct, domestic threat. Uber’s reaction was swift and aggressive, as was the ‘app war’ which soon erupted...
The three levels of SA can be mapped on to how an AV views and interprets the driving environment. For Level 1, in AVs, the automated system ‘perceives’ via sensors such as LIDAR, RADAR and multiple cameras which can see ‘through’ walls and under the surface of the road, although...
Given the increasing frequency and severity of floods caused by climate change, there is a pressing requirement for creative ways to improve public comprehension and control of hydrological phenomena. Contemporary technology provides unparalleled possibi
Mountain valleys are often the main transit corridors connecting major cities, or even entire countries, leading to intense traffic flows and emission of pollutants at ground level. Other typical sources of air pollution are settlements, infrastructure, and industrial activities usually based on the ...