under consideration和under review 「Under consideration」和「under review」都表示某事物正在被考虑或者审议。然而,它们的用法和含义略有不同。 「Under consideration」表示某事物正在被考虑,通常用于指代被讨论或评估的问题、建议或提案。它意味着该事物正处于很活跃的状态,但尚未作出决定或得到最终批准。当某个问题...
“Under consideration”状态与其他审稿状态存在明显的区别。与“under review”状态相比,“under consideration”更侧重于编辑部的初步审查,而“under review”则意味着论文已经分配给审稿人进行深入的评审。此外,与“accepted”或“rejected”状态相比,“under consideration”是审稿...
under consideration与under review Under consideration and under review are commonly used phrases in various contexts, including job applications, academic submissions, and decision-making processes. These phrases indicate that an application, proposal, orsituation is being carefully examined or evaluated. ...
从“under review”到“under consideration”的状态变化代表了科学研究的进展和评审过程中的不断完善。审稿人的专业评估和反馈,对于提高学术研究的质量、促进科学进步起到了至关重要的作用。在这个长期而曲折的旅程中,“under consideration”是科学研究者们激动人心的转折点,在不断的努力和探索中实现突破与创新。©...
under consideration与under review -回复 "Under consideration" and "under review" are two common phrases used in various contexts to indicate that something is being evaluated or examined. While the two terms may appear similar, they can have slightlydifferent connotations depending on the specific ...
Under Review VS Under Consideration: Understanding the Differences When it comes to the different stages of decision-making or evaluation processes, "under review" and "under consideration" are two commonly usedphrases. However, many people find it confusing to distinguish between the two. In this ...
精华评论 tower598 还没见过这个状态啊 hua016 应该是送审了,没碰到过这个状态,但意思应该是和under review一样的吧,耐心等待吧, ywzh227 应该是正在考虑是否送审 xft雷 考虑是否送审 猜你喜欢板块导航 网络生活 资源共享 化学化工 专业学科 科研生活 生物医药 材料 计算模拟 学术交流 出国...
Our contracts are currently under review. 我们的合同正在复查。■under suspicion 受怀疑,受猜疑,涉嫌He was arrested under suspicion. 他受嫌疑而被捕。He is under suspicion as one of the murderers. 他被怀疑是杀人凶手之一。Any man having witnessed the attack is under suspicion. 任何目击此次袭击的人...
under review & under consideration 是审稿中两个不同的过程。under review (在审查/评估中)在先,大部分会被拒绝,只有一小部分,经过了 under review, 会被 under consideration (在考虑被接受中)。面向内地招生的8所著名香港高校:香港大学、香港科技大学、香港理工大学、香港教育学院、香港中文大学...
3) Under Review(审稿中) 稿件正在外审专家手里进行详细的同行评审。作者还是耐心等待审稿结果,通常外审需要几周甚至更长时间。 (以Elsevier爱思唯尔投稿系统为例) 4) Required Reviews Complete(审稿完成) 所有审稿人已提交评审意见。评审意见已返回到编辑部。