针对你遇到的问题“unable to locate package libc6”,我们可以从以下几个方面来解答: 确认用户使用的操作系统及版本: libc6:i386 是一个32位的库包,通常用于Linux发行版中,特别是当系统需要运行32位应用或库时。首先,你需要确认你的操作系统是否支持32位应用。例如,在Ubuntu等Debian系的Linux发行版中,你可以通过...
E: Unable to locate package libc6-x32 Steps to Reproduce: Rundocker build . -t exec-eval:1.0 Expected Outcome: Successful installation oflibc6-i386andlibc6-x32packages. Actual Outcome: The packages are not found in the Ubuntu Jammy repositories, resulting in an error and failure to complete ...
[6]_编译内核错误提示1:Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the 和 E: Unable to locate package ncurse,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I get the following error when I try to build this dockerfile: E: Unable to locate package pip E: Unable to locate package install E: Unable to locate package pip E: Unable to locate package pip E: Unable to locate package install E: Unable to locate package pwntools ...
E: Unable to locate package nginx 编辑:sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list 在下方添加163的源 deb http://mirrors.163.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricteddeb-src http://mirrors.163.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricteddeb http://mirrors.163.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates main restricteddeb-src http://...
Window ver: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.19] No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial When I try "apt-get install vim git libc6-dev-amd64", the system c...
用CCS6调试28035时总出现Can't find a source file at "IQNcos.asm" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location. 用CCS6调试28035时总出现 Can't find a source file at "IQNcos.asm" Locate the file or edit 脑洞大赛9 2020-05-21 10:40:47 ...