解决方案: 打开Project Settings>>Services,先点击Refresh access ,等待刷新完毕点击New Link... 然后在在Organizations选择一个组织,选择组织后,点击Use an existing Unity project ID选在一个已近存在的项目ID(前提是要现在Unity Gaming Service网站上已经创建的有Project);也可以直接点击右下角Create project ID...
[MacOS] Hub is Unable to Create a New Project with latest version of Unity Editor Package: HUBX - May 31, 2021 Unable to launch editor: The application path does not exist' error thrown on creating a new project when the Editor is installed using HUB, - By default,...
# Create new Unity project # Switch to AppleTV # Build the project for AppleTV # Open generated project with Xcode 15 Beta and try to build Expected result: Project is built without errors Actual result: Build fails, errors below: {code:java} Cannot find interface declaration for 'G...
[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields: Unity editor version: 2021.3.16f1 Firebase Unity SDK version: 11.3.0 Source you installed the SDK: .unitypackage Problematic Firebase Component: Auth Other Firebase Components in use: Analy...
Describe the Issue Since yesterday August 3, 2023, I upgraded to the new Visual Studio Editor package in Unity, and installed the new Unity extension released on the same day. I do not see the references in the variables of the scripts, ...
What was causing it was aconflictbetween theADB.exe from Xamarinfor Visual Studio and theADB.exe from Unityitself. When trying to create the Unity Build, at the same time, I had another instance of Visual Studio Open with an Xamarin Project. ...
:org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.setBootClasspath(Ljava/lang/String;)V 第三个问题:ERROR:Unabletofindmethod‘org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.setBootClasspath(Ljava/lang/String unity 输出 android studio 项目 在unity的输出 android项目中 设定好包名: 选中: 输出项目使用 android ...
Fix Gradle wrapper and re-import project 将Project 下的 build.gradle 改为...在 unity 的 输出android 项目中 设定好包名: 选中: 输出项目 使用 android studio 打开 build 提示错误: Unable to find method Android Apk包安装应用闪退,出现 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to instantiate application ...
Im pretty new still to Xamarin.Forms, however the android version was built and released properly. When I try to submit the release with App Loader, it doesn't indicate any type of error within its logs, it just lets us know that is was submitted successfully, after which we receive an...
Error Message : Unable to figure out route for: //I set the FlyoutDisplayOptionsProperty to "AsMultipleItems" to group the items such that the separator separates the groups.I added the Routing.RegisterRoute("explore", typeof(ExplorePage)); to the constructor with the hope that would ...