doi:10.1002/recl.18990180203First page of articleC. A. Lobry de Bruynjws
But the war of 1914 started and nothing happens. Gallieni? General governer of paris decided to retore the outworks because Paris was again in danger. By chance, the german army move in the south-east direction and in this position, Paris was safe.BBC MundoNotes Bibliogr...
网站成立于2004年2月26日。laroumegue.over-blog.com的域名年龄为20年10个月22天,注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为,,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日,域名过期时间是2025年02月26日,距离过期还有40天。解析出来的IP有:[法国],[法国]。
Lemoine, P., Tomas, A., Viossat, B., Mettey, Y. and Vierfond, J.-M. (1995), Complexe entre un Carboxylate de Rhodium(II) et un Dérivé de la [1,4]Thiazépine: Synthèse et Structure Cristalline de Tétrakis(μ-acétato)bis{[11-aminodibenzo[b,f][1,4]thiazépine]rhodium(II)...
A spectroscopic study of the emission from an argon plasma produced by a small theta-pinch is described. The electron density in the plasma is very high and the temperature relatively cool. Values obtained for these quantities areand. Wavelengths of many ArII lines have been measured between ...
The responses, very promising, are presented with the system structure and its technical content.Key words: expert system, design, spillway, hydraulics.Benoît RobertMohamed TalebClaude Marchecanadian journal of civil engineering
Legislation as TopicHealth Care ReformChinaRare diseases and legislation in China. By - Jing-Bo Wang, Jeff J Guo, Li Yang, Yan-De Zhang, Zhao-Qi Sun, Yan-Jun Zhangdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60240-1Emmanuel BEAUDOINGDaniel GAUTHERETB...
The obtained results are detailed and discussed. With these data, the Energy release rate of the interface is calculated and proposed as an adhesion criterion at the end of this workdoi:EP1710083 B1Dan MassopustGarry A. JonesScott T. TreeceRichard SchmachtenbergEPMetz...
METHODS Starting with the presenting symptom, the authors present the guide lines to follow in a practical manner in order to reach a diagnosis in the principal retinal diseases causing leukocoria. RESULTS A white pupil is due to retinoblastoma in almost half of all cases. Other possible causes,...
We also show how our pre-filtered geometry model and approximate cone tracing can be used to very efficiently achieve blurry effects and real-time indirect lighting.L. ObertP. ClappazC. HampelN. BlanchetD. LepageJ. PauchotP. GarbuioY. TropetGrenoble...