By in situ hybridations and immunostainings I characterized the expression profils of different members of the two signaling pathways.doi:10.1002/hlca.193401701178Emile CherbuliezGenève, Laboratoire de chimie organique de l'Université, et Pistany (Tchécoslovaquie), Laboratoire de la Direction des ...
Consequently, a salt is added to NMP to perform reliable viscometric and SEC analyses. The SEC method is standardized with the establishment of the universal calibration with poly(methyl methacrylate) standards and the determination of the Mark-Houwink-Sakurada relationship of HTXS in NMP-salt at ...
We also show how our pre-filtered geometry model and approximate cone tracing can be used to very efficiently achieve blurry effects and real-time indirect lighting.L. ObertP. ClappazC. HampelN. BlanchetD. LepageJ. PauchotP. GarbuioY. TropetGrenoble...
forestsgeological sedimentationprotection forestsriparian forestsRiparian stands bordering 10 NW Ontario lakes (Canada), clearcut 4 to 10 years previously, produced only 60% of the litter fall of nearby uncut riparian forests. As a result of this decrease in protective ground surface cover, the ...
Scheirerâ€s (1981) implementation model guided the study of five Centres de Santà et Services Sociaux chosen in line with the ecological dimension of their DPHP programs. Documentary analyses were conducted along with thirty-eight semi-structured interviews among professionals and managers. Three...