ULONG_PTR 和ULONG ULONG Unsigned LONG. The range is 0 through 4294967295 decimal. This type is declared in WinDef.h as follows: typedef unsigned long ULONG; 在VS2010中使用ULONG时,需加上头文件#include<WinDef.h>,否则出现inllisense:未定义的标识符ULONG错误 ULONG_PTR Unsigned LONG_PTR. Unsigned ...
1. 添加宏 #define ULONG_PTR ULONG 2. 换高版本vc , 只需加入 #include <windows.h> 即可。
在VS2010中使用ULONG时,需加上头文件#include<WinDef.h>,否则出现inllisense:未定义的标识符ULONG错误 ULONG_PTR Unsigned LONG_PTR. Unsigned long type for pointer precision. Use when casting a pointer to a long type to perform pointer arithmetic. (Also commonly used for general 32-bit parameters tha...