The Universal Emulation Configurator (UEC) is a device-independent tool, used to create trace-based debug and measurement tasks for on-chip emulators and powerful on-chip trace systems in a comfortable way. The UEC allows users to graphically compose complete trace tasks using a library of basic...
3、本产品配套的USB线为1.5米带磁环的优质USB线。(网上有的卖家宣称送固件修复程序,这是很无知的说法,因为这个根本不需要送,是软件安装完成后,本身就自带的,网上还有卖家宣传说双保护芯片,也是骗人的,打开外壳看一下就知道了,就一个自恢复保险而已)2 产品展示3 产品介绍· 基于Silabs公司原厂生产的USB Debug ...
You can monitor the state by watching thecc.log: tail -f /var/log/eucalyptus/cc.log You can watch the counter for each node, with messages like: [Tue Nov 24 20:13:03 2009][010063][EUCADEBUG ] node idle since 1259114895: (288/300) seconds ...
CurrentHealth = FMath::Clamp(CurrentHealth + restoreValue, 0.f, TotalHealth);GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1,20, FColor::Red, FString(TEXT("I am RestoreHealth!"))); }//Called when the game startsvoidUHealthComponent::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay();//获取拥有者AActor* MyOwner =Ge...
2012-10-31 10:56:53,329 -[DEBUG]: found data sourceDataSourceEc2 日志显示找不到meadata source,这是一个内部的local source 昨晚在网上查找了大量资料,发现有关cloud-init的资料比较少,最后在rackspace的网站上发现了一份编辑镜像的代码,终于找到了方法。 按照OpenStack创建...
-pre-impl-debug-tcl { set argv [lassign $argv[set argv {}] pre_impl_debug_tcl] } @@ -99,7 +103,6 @@ set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_MACRO "SYNTHESIS=1" set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION SYSTEM...
val jtagBScan = Overlay(JTAGDebugBScanOverlayKey, new JTAGDebugBScanVCU118ShellPlacer(this, JTAGDebugBScanShellInput())) val fmc = Overlay(PCIeFMCOverlayKey, new PCIeVCU118FMCShellPlacer(this, PCIeShellInput())) val edge = Overlay(PCIeEdgeOverlayKey, new PCIeVCU118EdgeShellPlacer(this, PCIe...