我发现我的管道是导致问题的原因,我已经将apt-get updates和apt-get install -y rsync(get updates步...
我已经将apt-get updates和apt-get install -y rsync(get updates步骤)与deploy最新版本步骤分开。
(PS:网络上的帖子这步有问题,应该在offlinePackage里创建依赖关系,否则会出现找不到文件的情况) 如果出现错误:sudo: dpkg-scanpackages: command not found 则需要安装dpkg-dev工具: $ sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev 2.3.打包成压缩包,以备后用 $ tar cvzf offlinePackage.tar.gz offlinePackage/ 保存offlinePac...
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets# 日志文件位置,启动rsync后自动产生这个文件,无需提前创建log file = /var/log/rsync.log# 记录传输文件日志transfer logging = yes# 日志文件格式log format = %t %a %m %f %b# 剔除某些文件或目录,不同步# exclude = lost+found/# 超时时间timeout = 300# 某些情况...
(I do not have a dedicated swap partition) or the 'media' directory' in order to no enter a looping sync.I've searched the web for the correct syntax of the --exclude command but none have worked if applied in the advanced option "before" rsync starts. These a sample of NOT workin...
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [Receiver=3.1.3] For this command to backup files from a server to a local machine (files deleted on the server wi...
rsync -avz --delete --exclude-from './music_exclude_list' '/Users/ryan/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/' 'ryan@' [code]... View 1 Replies Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - Failed To Mount (Permission Denied) Apr...
There is no official Google Drive sync for Linux at the moment and we needed samba drive to backup files to Google Drive. To accomplish the goal, we decided to use Rsync. Following installation instructions (https://rclone.org/install/), we execute the following commands. ...
和UNIX系统相同,Linux超级用户root拥有系统的最高权限。当由于用户的疏忽,遗忘了root 密码,或者系统受到...
rsync: rsync是linux系统下的数据镜像备份工具。使用快速增量备份工具Remote Sync可以远程同步,支持本地复制,或者与其他SSH、rsync主机同步 ssh(安全外壳协议): Secure Shell的缩写,SSH 为建立在应用层基础上的安全协议;专为远程登陆会话和其他网络服务提供安全性的协议 ...