wildbean cafe now on Uber Eats You can now purchase your favourite wildbean cafe pies, muffins and barista-made coffee, as well as chips, biscuits and drinks from selected bp Connect stores and have them delivered to your door, via Uber Eats. For our list of sites, see below. Our menu...
Use your Uber account to order delivery from 弘爺漢堡 十全店 in Kaohsiung. Browse the menu, view popular items, and track your order.
人民网东京2月4日电 据共同社报道,日本大型连锁便利店罗森2日宣布,将通过美国网约车软件优步科技(Uber Technology)的配送服务“Uber Eats”配送普通药品。该服务将于本月4日起在东京都内的3家店铺率先推出,今后其他出售普通药品的罗森便利店也将依次加入。 近期,由于日本国内疫情再次蔓延,人们外出受限,希望即刻购买药...