Distributed connectivity maintenance in swarm of drones during post-disaster transportation applications. IEEE Trans Intell Transp Syst. 2021;22(9):6061–73. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2021.3066843. Article Google Scholar Do-Duy T, Nguyen LD, Duong TQ, Khosravirad SR, Claussen H. Joint ...
framework that enables spectrum reusing and avoids crowding for A2A communications; [35] focused on UAV’s battery lifetime, and conceived various charging approaches to enable continuous wireless coverage of UAVs; different spectrum management schemes were studied for the mmWave-enabled UAV swarm in ...
tree coverage (STC) with ant colony optimization (ACO). On the other hand, Ju et al.25applied a distributed swarm control algorithm to show that the performance of the multi-UAV system is significantly superior to the single-UAV system. They considered the following seven performance metrics: ...
UAV Swarm communication and control architectures: A review J. Unmanned Veh. Syst. (2018) TrottaA. et al. Connectivity recovery in post-disaster scenarios through cognitive radio swarms Comput. Netw. (2015) ZengY. et al. Accessing from the sky: A tutorial on UAV communications for 5G and ...
However, the resource management problem in UAV-assisted networks is significantly different than in terrestrial networks because UAVs are flying and can be anywhere in a swarm or on their own. It becomes challenging to optimize the involved resources (communications, computing, and caching) with the...
Our survey UAV technology, UAV networking, UAV swarm formation, mobility models, UAV routing protocols, tools and public datasets to simulate real UAV network environments, future trends and remaining issues for UAV networking. NA UAV networks 2. Related work There are a few recent review papers ...
However, when working with complicated situations, one of the most difficult things is coming up with exploratory paths for the networks involved. A crisis and disaster management system using a swarm optimization algorithm (SOA) is proposed to assist in disaster and crisis management. In this ...
Federated Learning (FL) was used for improving UAV swarm computing scheduling and power allocation without exchanging sensitive raw data [22]. FL has been used to enable privacy preservation for internet-of-vehicles applications such as parking and traffic prediction [23]. The authors of [24] ...
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