多数人暴政(Tyranny of the majority),又称为多数人暴力,群体暴政,是讨论民主制度及“少数服从多数”制度的词汇之一,用… zh.wikipedia.org|基于59个网页 3. 多数暴政 多数暴政(Tyranny of the Majority)之形成及其恶果10 11/19 多数暴政的缓解之道及维系美国民主共和政体的因素 11 11/26 冷… ...
tyranny of the majority是什么意思 [法]多数暴政 tyranny of the majority_法律行业词汇 多数暴政 tyranny of the majority 例句 1.Mill began his exposition of liberalism with tyranny of the majority. 密尔对自由主义的论述以“多数人暴政”作为切入点的. 2.What is tyranny of the majority? 什么是多...
楼主玩过杀人游戏吗? 杀人游戏有几个特点: 1.每个参与者都积极,充分,自由地表达自己的观点。 2.每个参与者都自由选择投票对象,不受干预。 3.每个人的每一票都被公平对待(暂且不论选警长)。 4.所有投票过程… 阅读全文 赞同 2323222 条评论 ...
楼主玩过杀人游戏吗? 杀人游戏有几个特点: 1.每个参与者都积极,充分,自由地表达自己的观点。 2.每个参与者都自由选择投票对象,不受干预。 3.每个人的每一票都被公平对待(暂且不论选警长)。 4.所有投票过程… 阅读全文 赞同 2323222 条评论 ...
将“tyranny of the majority"翻译成中文 多數人暴政是将“tyranny of the majority"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Representation without restraint – elections without the rule of law – is a recipe for the tyranny of the majority. ↔ 没有约束的代表——即没有法治精神的选举——只能带来多数人的暴政...
多数人暴政(tyranny of the majority),又称为多数暴力,群体暴政,是民主制度及“少数遵从多数”制度的一个本质上的缺点,用于批评由多数人作完全决定的制度,认为在该制度中将多数人的利益绝对置于少数人之上,使得少数丧失了受尊重权。02YUUcn19。个重视人权的政府,会透过宪法作出权力制衡,以便在议会中 ...全文 ...
Direct democracy in California is thus an aberration. It has no safeguards against Madison'styranny of the majority.───因此,加州的直接民主超越常规,它对麦迪逊担心的多数人的暴政没有任何防卫。 Proponents of democracy make a number of defenses concerning 'tyranny of the majority'.───民主的拥护...
The meaning of TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY is a situation in which a group of people are treated unfairly because their situation is different from the situation of most of the people in a democratic country.
Tyranny of the majority may also occur if certain regions of a country having a greater population tend to dominate other areas more sparsely settled. Democracy, in which the majority rules, can lead to tyranny of the majority if the legal system does not offer protections for persons in the...
tyranny of majority Doyouknowthe“tyrannyofmajority”?OurTeam:DoodleJump AndyCrystalJaneHelenYummy Whatisthetyrannyofthemajority?Answer:thepotentialofamajoritytomonopolizepowerforitsowngainandtothedetrimentoftheminorityrightsandinterests.1 Thephrase"tyrannyofthemajority"wasusedbyJohnAdamsin1788Thephrasegained...