If you need to pass additional attributes to the transpiler rule, you can use apartialto bind those arguments at the "make site", then pass that partial to this attribute where it will be called with the remaining arguments. See the packages/typescript/test/ts_project/swc directory for an...
fastTypescript(transpiler:'esbuild'|'swc'|'sucrase',tsconfig?:boolean|string|TsConfigJson|(()=>MaybePromise<boolean|string|TsConfigJson>)) esbuild(tsconfig?:boolean|string|TsConfigJson|(()=>MaybePromise<boolean|string|TsConfigJson>)) swc(tsconfig?:boolean|string|TsConfigJson|(()=>MaybePromise<boo...
swc(GitHub) Very fast Babel alternative written in Rust TypeScript(GitHub) JavaScript with gradual typing; particularly useful for library authors and larger projects 🧫 Code generators npm trends📈 hygen(GitHub) Ad-hoc generator or project scaffold tool ...
A TypeScript Rollup plugin that bundles declarations, respects Browserslists, and enables seamless integration with transpilers such as babel and swc - wessberg/rollup-plugin-ts
JavaScript TypeScript JavaScript + SWC ❯ TypeScript + SWC It’s done, the project is created. To start it in development mode, we need to change to the project directory, install the dependencies and run the dev script command. cd my-react-project npm install npm run ...
But after learning that you can use another compiler inside ESBuild, I suddenly don't understand all the Rollup, Vite, ESBuild, SWC is about anymore (and thus started to really contemplated about the meaning of life). If you Stephen Grider are reading this, I know you hate all the ...
swc Rust-based platform for the Web tools The Rome Toolchain. A linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Markdown, and CSS. sonic 🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM. bat A cat...
Tune Babel output for the minimum required level of browser support swc (GitHub) Very fast Babel alternative written in Rust TypeScript (GitHub) JavaScript with gradual typing; particularly useful for library authors and larger projects 🧫...