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Pâté is a culinary term derived from the French language,which can be translatedgenerally to mean "paste". This paste of meat and fat is baked inside of a terrine (the cooking vessel, not the food type), and many times either served with bread or baked within a loaf of bread. Here...
The Brammys are actually a series of awards for products made with Bramley apples, organised by the Bramley Apple Information Service. There we sat with our tasting forks and tongues at the ready as the pies and chutneys and juices kept on coming all morning. Our mission was to find the...
Here, instead of providing utensils, he serves a round Moroccan flatbread to eat with — the feeling of the soft warm bread in the mouth is much preferable to cold metal forks, he insists. This same feeling is all over Morocco, where community ovens and griddles set up in the medinas ...
Freestyle cooking with fresh herbs can be daunting at first. Here’s how to gain confidence in the technique while boosting the flavors of your foods. Start small. Begin by sprinkling 1 to 2 Tbsp. of a chopped fresh herb over a simple dish (for four people) or a big plate of steamed...