Causes of Cancer and Risk Factors Usually cancer is caused by cells that lose their ability to regulate themselves and start growing in unstructured ways. It is still unknown why it happens, but we know what can increase cancer risks. Some diseases such as high blood pressure (or hypertension...
. Leave-one-out cross validation was implemented for RBMMMDA and the AUC of 0.8606 demonstrated the reliable and effective performance of RBMMMDA. In the case studies about lung cancer, breast cancer and global prediction for all the diseases simultaneously, 50, 42 and 45 out of top 100 pre...
abnormal red blood cells, or abnormal platelets. It primarily affects the elderly, and it is the most common acute leukemia among adults. It is an aggressive type of blood cancer, which accounts for about 1.2% of the total cancer deaths in the U.S...
They’re experts on theheartandbloodvessels. You might see them forheart failure, aheart attack,high blood pressure, or anirregular heartbeat. Colon and Rectal Surgeons You would see these doctors for problems with your small intestine,colon, and bottom. They can treatcolon cancer,hemorrhoids, ...
Types of Information Available on the Internet From Disorders Commonly in the News. Background: Recently two prominent members of the media and a retired basketball player have been diagnosed with myelodysplasia (MDS), multiple myeloma, and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) respectively. These condit...
but other cells prefer to use the distal poly(A) sites, such as human GM12878 lymphoblastoid cells and HepG2 liver cancer cells (Fig.1h). Together, these results demonstrated that 3′-tag-based scRNA-seq data could be used to identify poly(A) sites, allowing further exploration of APA ...
Moreover, case studies of lung cancer and breast cancer confirmed effective performance of NLPMMDA to predict novel miRNA-disease associations and their association types. Keywords: multiple type miRNA-disease association prediction; semi-supervised learning; network similarity; label propagation algorithm ...