On Tuesday, Osaka Gas Co Ltd (9532:TYO) closed at 3,070.00, 4.24% above its 52-week low of 2,945.00, set on Feb 14, 2024. 52-week range Today 2,945.00Feb 14 20243,675.00Jun 11 2024 Short selling activity Low Med HighProvided by S&P Global Market Intelligence Open 3,087.00 High 3...
¥9532 经济舱 08:50 羽田T3 ⇀ 转2次 15:50 毕尔巴鄂 ¥9830 经济舱 08:50 羽田T3 ⇀ 转2次 18:10 毕尔巴鄂 ¥9830 经济舱 18:00 羽田T3 ⇀ 转2次 16:00 毕尔巴鄂 ¥9874 21:45 羽田T3 中转8小时50分 ⇀ 转伊斯坦布尔1次 16:25 毕尔巴鄂 ¥9930 经济舱 16...
* Fixed [invalid cell property after pasting a table to the editor from Word](https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/10383). * [The table toolbar now respects the `viewportTopOffset` configuration](https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/9892). * Automatic text transformation: ...
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