turned his back on his obligations turn one's hand or turn a hand : to set to work : apply oneself turn one's head : to cause to become infatuated or conceited success had not turned his head turn one's stomach : to disgust completely : nauseate the foul smell turned his sto...
The meaning of TURN ONE'S BACK is to turn so as to face away from someone —often used figuratively to suggest rejection or abandonment. How to use turn one's back in a sentence.
Also turn over in one's grave . Be very upset. This idiom is used only of a dead person, who in all likelihood would have been upset by developments in question, as in If she knew you'd sold her jewelry, she'd turn over in her grave . [Late 1800s]...
a dirty or unpleasant task that one must do since it is part of one's share of the work, and that others have taken their turn doing before them. In the military, it is sometimes referred to doing KP, but in times of combat, might have been used to mean taking on a very dangerous...
Your turn. Giving seems to be an essential part of one's sense of meaning. Do you know of ways to facilitate giving opportunities among the frail elderly? Journal of Gerontological NursingSchwarz KAKatsma DOttoson LSilverstein KAnderson JMcCraken A...
人们总是习惯于在葬礼上哭诉对死者的爱和不舍,可是,死者再也听不到了.我们何不在我们所爱之人的有生之年就告诉他们呢?We always celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thanksgiving Day,even after he entered a nursing home.As years went on,these events took on a double meaning for me:a traditional ...
While you’re at it, you might as well turn off the predictive text feature if it’s getting in your way. Other Android Devices? One of the most appealing aspects of Android is its flexibility to be customized. Google has been adding new capabilities on a consistent basis, allowing you ...
a1.12 We turn now to a consideration of the structure of the GATS. The United States submits that EPS fall within the ordinary meaning of "payment and money transmission services" as one type of "all" such services. 1.12 我们现在转向GATS的结构的考虑。 美国在“付款和现金传递业务之内的”普通...
The meaning of TURN ONE'S BACK is to turn so as to face away from someone —often used figuratively to suggest rejection or abandonment. How to use turn one's back in a sentence.
The meaning of TURNOVER is the amount received in sales for a stated period. How to use turnover in a sentence.