How to use Turbo C++ Step 1 Double click on "Turbo C++" shortcut link on the desktop. Step 2 If you want run turbo c++ on full screen simply click on button "Run Turbo C++" Step 3 "OR" If you not want full screen mode uncheck the "Full screen mode" check box and click on ...
TVISION_ESCDELAY: the number of milliseconds to wait after receiving an ESC key press, default10. If another key is pressed during this delay, it will be interpreted as an Alt+Key combination. Using a larger value is useful when the terminal doesn't support the Alt key. TVISION_USE_STDI...
FULL_WAKE_LOCK, "tbs:wakelock") } @Provides @Singleton fun provideSharedPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences { return context.getSharedPreferences("default", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) } } @Module internal abstract class BindsModule { @Binds @IntoMap @ViewModelKey(AppViewModel::class) abstract...
Each app has its own shortcut that you can place on the login page to allow direct access without the need to log into QTS first. Enable this option and … Display the app shortcut on the login page. App shortcuts become available Customized admin photo Public photo wall 14 TS-x51 ...
bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you real...
EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN, EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP, /** Invoked by the platform when a standard keyboard shortcut is pressed. It's called before InvokeKeyDown (EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN) and if the event is handled (returns true), the KeyDown is canceled. The ref_id will be set to one of the fol...
TVISION_ESCDELAY: the number of milliseconds to wait after receiving an ESC key press, default10. If another key is pressed during this delay, it will be interpreted as an Alt+Key combination. Using a larger value is useful when the terminal doesn't support the Alt key. ...
TVISION_ESCDELAY: the number of milliseconds to wait after receiving an ESC key press, default10. If another key is pressed during this delay, it will be interpreted as an Alt+Key combination. Using a larger value is useful when the terminal doesn't support the Alt key. ...