台积电今年持续扩充先进封装产能,今年先进封装产能规划倍增,仍是供不应求,预估2025年持续扩充产能。 魏哲家指出,台积电布局先进封装技术已超过10年,预估包括CoWoS(Chip on Wafer on Substrate)、3D IC、SoIC等先进封装,未来数年年复合成长率至少可超过50%。魏哲家表示,台积电持续研发下一代CoWoS先进封装技术。 据悉,英伟...
TSMC Sees Annual Sales Growth to Reach 10% in Semiconductor Industry More Reuters Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSMC) logo is seen while people attend the opening of the TSMC global R&D center in Hsinchu, Taiwan July 28, 2023. REUTERS/Ann Wang/File Photo HSINCHU...
作者: 你知不知道中芯当年不是张忠谋放他一马,早就被告破产了。 TSMC 现在是中芯国际10%的大股东,很多挖人 挖技术,都是在TSMC 睁一眼闭一眼的情况下进行的 才有今天的水平 但是目前这样子 要赶超已经在搞3NM 的台积电,我觉得这辈子看不到了。 你要是知道ASML的EUV 光照机是如何跃变成现在独步武林,就不会...
TSMC posted net revenue of NT$480.84billion (US$15.68 billion) with a 10% YoY decrease that quarter, rough in line with the company’s forecast range between US$15.2 billion to US$16 billion. That suggests a consecutive fourth month of decline in revenue. Revenue in March slumped 15% YoY...
Taiwanese semiconductor giant TSMC is reportedly planning to increase its wafer prices by up to 10% in 2025, according to a Morgan Stanley note cited by investor Eric Jhonsa. The move comes as demand for cutting-edge processors in smartphones, PCs, AI accelerators, and HPC continues to surge...
TSMC CLN28HPC+ 10-bit 2.4GHz Current Steering DAC [2ch] The IGADACT08A is a general-purpose two-channel digital-to-analog converter with 10-bit resolution. The IGADACT08A contains two serializers, two digital decoders, and 2-channel current steering ... ...
此外, 3nm 研發進度比預期理想,預期 2021 年下半年可進入風險試產,並看到 3nm 晶片出現市場上,並且將於 2022 年實現 3nm 大規模量產,相較 5nm 制程技術,TSMC 3nm 將可降低 25~30% 功耗,同時帶來 10~15% 的性能提升。 TSMC (南京) 總經理羅鎮球表示,摩爾定律往下走沒問題,預期 TSMC 將可順利推進至 1nm...
——AI展望乐观:营收占比预估11-13%(上季度会议纪要是10%,高于预期!),2028年达到20%以上(上季度说2027年16-19%),目前主流AI芯片为N4/5,预估N2到2025Q4量产的时间点不变。 4、资本支出不变,280-320亿美元,与一季度会议纪要一样 ——70-80%用于先进制程,10-20%用于特殊制程 ...
Shares of Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) surged over 10% on Tuesday on the news that rivals Broadcom and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) are in talks to divide the ailing American chipmaker’s business into two parts, according to theWall Street Journal. ...
今天,我们来看看技术研究部分最后的一个内容,Artificial Intelligence,也就是AI领域,在技术探索中其他的三个分别是logic,interconnect和Memory,都算是专门的技术门类,而AI更侧重于某一个应用,将其放在技术研究中,足以见得TSMC对这个应用的关注,这是一个在高速发展的尖端应用,TSMC专门针对这一个应用去做一些探索,我们来...