Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed with language itself, he has followed his belief that poetry should aim at a representation of the complexities of modern civilization in language and that such represen...
彷徨中的冷静 常风 著 张天翼:《反攻》 文坛上照例有许多派别,可是在事实上却往往是很难划然区分的.比方 说,一年前热闹一时的"京派""海派",倘若以在北平与上海两个地方写 文章的人分为两种不同的派别,而又各具一种特殊的"味儿"——在意境方 面与技术方法——我们可以根据这个大胆来推定某人是海派某人是京派...