where Tmaxand Tminare the expected maximum and the minimum T for wet vegetated soil and for bare-soil pixels, respectively, as interpolated from a scatterplot of UAV-based derived T versus Fr. For any pixel in the scene, Tocorresponds to the T value. Τhe degree to which the surface te...
Commodity : Wedding Hotel Round Folding Table Specification : 1> Ease of handling 2> Lock-open legs for easy setup 3> Can be used without tablecloth 4>An heavy duty table for banquet and conference centres, hotels, clubs, seminar room...
方法是将硫磺和大黄加水均匀涂抹在患处,一天一次。 黄褐斑:丹栀逍遥散,六味地黄丸 妇女进入生育期,尤其是怀孕期间和产后黄褐斑也喜欢上门。中医认为,这些斑点与肝、脾、肾密切相关,主要病机是气血不能荣于面。 临床上,肝郁内热患者最为常见,常见症状为易怒、胸闷、面部发热、口干等。因此,治疗应以舒肝清热为主,可...
All SectionsDrone CommunicationsDrone Design and DevelopmentDrones in Agriculture and ForestryDrones in EcologyInnovative Urban MobilityGeneral All Special Issues(Re)Defining the Archaeological Use of UAVsAdvanced Cross-Domain Unmanned Platform Command and Security TechnologyAdvanced Intelligent Decision-Making and...