log并不是写入数据的缓冲,只是校验数据日志的写入缓冲。 metadata没有生产环境的测试,不好判断真实情况。 关于缓冲vdev安全性: 1,cache读缓冲,SSD以条带模式加入池,硬盘损坏,只降低性能,并不影响数据安全。 2,log写缓冲,SSD以镜像模式加入池,硬盘损坏,有数据丢失风险。 3,metadata元数据读写缓冲,SSD以镜像模式加...
硬件上新购入一块PM9A3 3.84TB 2.5" U.2, 将Special/Metadata Vdev从原本的3-Way Mirror变成了...
二级缓存需求。选项有“二级动态切换式缓存(L2ARC)”“独立 ZFS 意向暂存(SLOG)”以及“元数据专用分区(Special Metadata VDev)”。L2ARC 对并发读取有益,SLOG 对并发写入有益,但在家庭环境中罕见并发操作;据官方文档,“元数据分区”是和存储池强绑定的,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。最终决定通过 SLOG 试水——毕竟这次...
有没有设primarycache=metadata, NVMe SSD建议等OpenZFS 3.0上线看DirectIO实际表现, 能真正绕过ARC/...
The new SMB Alternate Data Stream (ADS) feature allows for seamless metadata migration from third-party NAS solutions to TrueNAS." The release notes have more information. Download: TrueNAS-SCALE-24.10-RC.2.iso (1,440MB, SHA256, signature). 2024-07-09 Distribution Release: TrueNAS
fusion pools allow you to introduce mixed tiers of storage of different performance and combine them into a single visible pool, but in the background the system is sending data to the drive media that is best suited to supply it – so metadata on the SSD media, larger bulkier sequential ...
你同样可以对Meta Vdev进行设置:把特定的Block size文件存于Optane中,而没有命中规则的文件,则放入原来的机械存储池中。 TrueNas的Pool–dataset–option中,可以看到你对这个池的Record size,比如我的是128K,然后我在下面的Metadata (speical) small block size中设置一个值,比如是64k。当一个文件≤ 64k,则自动存...
If I use special VDEV, I guess L2ARC is not needed? Otherwise, the idea would be to use L2ARC in "metadata only" mode. Special VDEV Can I use consumer grade NVME drives in 3 or 4 way mirror? As far as I understand, special devices are normal VDEV (not a logging device), so...
a metadata vdev might be the better choice. People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov) Show : Production hypervisor system @work Show : Main NAS @home Show : SCALE system @home Show : Backup NAS located @work HoneyBadger ...
I wonder if SCALE tried to use the first partition as swap, damaging the first part of the new vDev disks. I really hope that's not the case. Wouldn't truenas prevent the user from doing something like that with at least a warning? Brandito Explorer Joined May 6, 2023 Messages 72 ...