Triple buffering now stuck at 60 fps (monitor refresh rate) even when game is set with advance option of +fps_max 80. Causes stuttering in game. 0 + XP #9 June 2019 Options grizzlyvizi ★★ Novice I tried everything but u just can't cap it, sad, since i can't run this ...
开发者ID:afs,项目名称:rdf-delta,代码行数:9,代码来源 示例11: addToNamedGraph ▲点赞 2▼ importorg.apache.jena.graph.Triple;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@OverrideprotectedvoidaddToNamedGraph(Node g, Node s, Node p, Node o){if( get().contains(Quad.defaultGraphIRI...
sync outputs available G = +2 operation (differential input to differential output) Flexible power supplies: +5 V or ±2.5 V Logic ground for convenient control interface Serial or parallel programming of switch array High impedance output disable allows connection of multiple devices with minimal ...
The unused input stages are disabled with a proprietary clamp cir- cuit to provide excellent crosstalk isolation between "on" and "off " inputs while protecting the disabled devices from damag- ing reverse base-emitter voltage stress. No additional input buffering is necessary, resulting in low ...
The small displays are standing in front of me with the surrounded green knobs. What I figured out in the net is that double buffering causes FPS "jumps" like I see them. E. g. if your monitor frequency is 60 you see 30, 20, 15 etc. FPS which is very ...
Metal【12】—— Triple Buffering 前段时间忙自己的事情,挺久没有更新了,见谅~ 之前群里,有朋友在问 “什么是 Triple Buffer”,我相信,不少朋友同样存在这个疑惑。 那么今天,我们就具体来聊聊 Triple Buffer。 PS: 订阅后的朋友,可以加我微信:wxidlongze,拉你进群。交流,扯淡,学习资源分享~...
The small displays are standing in front of me with the surrounded green knobs. What I figured out in the net is that double buffering causes FPS "jumps" like I see them. E. g. if your monitor frequency is 60 you see 30, 20, 15 etc. FPS which is very close to what ...
The ADV101 is capable of generating RGB video output sig- nals, which are compatible with RS-343A and RS-170 video standards, without requiring external buffering. The ADV101 is fabricated in a +5 V CMOS process. Its mono- lithic CMOS construction ensures greater functionality with low power...
The small displays are standing in front of me with the surrounded green knobs. What I figured out in the net is that double buffering causes FPS "jumps" like I see them. E. g. if your monitor frequency is 60 you see 30, 20, 15 etc. FPS which is very close to what ...
The small displays are standing in front of me with the surrounded green knobs. What I figured out in the net is that double buffering causes FPS "jumps" like I see them. E. g. if your monitor frequency is 60 you see 30, 20, 15 etc. FPS which is very close to what ...