Get free access to all Tips & Tricks to solving the Rubik's Cube Videos Browser all our videos of tutorials, algorithms, tips n tricks Buy Cubes Buy cubes and other puzzhles Speed Cubes Buy cubes for Speed Solving and competitions
This first half of the Instructable will teach you how to solve a Rubik's cube using one of the most simplistic methods possible. You will only need to memorize about 5 or 6 algorithms. If you can already solve a Rubik's cube in about a minute then visitThis sitefor a better solution...
简介 本书共分为六个章节:第一章为了解魔方,第二章为魔方介绍,第三章为魔方入门玩法,第四章为三阶魔方高级玩法(CFOP),第五章为其他魔方的还原与花式玩法,第六章为魔方生活。目录 评论 (0) 我要评论 暂无评论 相关书籍 围棋毽子毽子踢起来老梁看象 ...
支持(Android/Iphone) 简介 本书共分为六个章节:第一章为了解魔方,第二章为魔方介绍,第三章为魔方入门玩法,第四章为三阶魔方高级玩法(CFOP),第五章为其他魔方的还原与花式玩法,第六章为魔方生活。 评分: 1 2 3 4 5 评价: 0/255 检索 默认排序...