Earlier in the day, a woman was dismissed after she expressed strong anti-drug views, and a man was let go after admitting that he had read about the case on Wikipedia. Others were excused because of ties to law enforcement, scheduling conflicts and concerns about lost income. Those stil...
//en.wikipedia/wiki/Jury_trial AdvantagesofTrialbyJury protecttheindividualfromthearbitraryexercise communityvaluesandstandards>>betterarbiterthanajudge. generalpublicismorelikelytohavefaithinthejury’sdecision DisadvantageofTrialbyJury takemuchlongerthansummaryhearings costsoarswhenthejuryhastobedischarged X...
BZv5NGLJNdMy/2O11fXpeV0s7 Auto CAD 2013-64bit 网盘地址 http://url.cn/GzOfYN 或者 http://www.weiyun.com/web/outlink.html?ezrxOfTCu+BwYM 分享回复赞 樱庭葵吧 桜庭葵 Ai Yori Aoshi (en.wikipedia.org)Ai Yori Aoshi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Ai...